Analyse the culture identity in Indo-Caribbean fiction as revealed in Love, Love, Love, Alone

The scene of Naipaul’s story ‘Love, Love, Love Alone’ is Trinidad in the Caribbean. The characters belong to two races, the black Caribbean community and the white settlers. They represent two different cultures. In this story the obvious meaning creates a reasonable portrait of the two societies. To read more meaning as an interaction of the two cultures is not the proper approach. The most that we can say is that it deals with the post-colonial society in the Caribbean.
The native live a simple and happy life. They do all kinds of work and help the white men. But there is no friendship between the two people. The white men have their own way of life and they keep apart. The story presents a degraded aspect of the white man’s life.
There are a number of young men who spend their free time playing cricket or talking loudly. The narrator’s Boyee, Hat, and Eddos are the men and boys. The narrator’s mother is the only black women. The white men are represented by a Portuguese couple.
It is the story of a fair women sacrificing her life for the sake of foolish love. The scene is Miguel Street. The new couple are Angela Hireira and Toni. The women is beautiful and cultured. Toni is ugly and lean. He is a terrible drunkard. He has a dog which is as lean and ugly as it master. They bring no furniture at all. Their only possession is a radio which they playes at high pitch.
Mother could not understand why the women lived with such a good-for-nothing drunkard. Mrs Hereira told her that she loved Toni too much. He had many good qualities; “his heart is in the right place really. “Mother did not like this nonsense. She said she knew nothing said that he was a good sailor, and they torpedoed him twice. Mother said that they should try again. The women was rather offended and said that she didn’t want any advice. Mother told her to go to her great man and quoted a popular song:
When mother heard of it she asked Mrs Hereira to go back to her husband. The woman was not surprised. But she said that she couldn’t stand the clean doctor’s smell
One morning the women came to the mother and said that she had decided to leave Toni. He had set the dog at her. That was the end Mother asked her where she was going. She said her husband would take her back. He was such a kind man. Toni was his friend. He will forget everything.

This story shows how love can become foolish sometimes. It leads to the ruin of many people.